How to store your silk scarves

How to store your silk scarves

Scarves should be stored in a cool dry place out of sunlight. Avoid moth damage by placing using moth traps in the area - we don’t recommend using mothballs near scarves as they will make your scarves smell.

Silk can be stored folded or hanging. If you like the look of fold marks in your scarves you’ll probably prefer folded. If you like the look of a crisp smooth scarf with no creases then hanging is probably best for you!

I like to hang my scarves on wire clothes hangers, with different colour groups on each hanger to ensure you can find what you're looking for with ease (ensure hangers are clean and rust free to avoid damaging your silk). If you tie your scarves to the wire not at the corner point of the scarf, but at the crease area where you tie the scarf when you wear it, then you'll always have crease-free scarf ready to wear!

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