Custom Designs

Exclusive custom designs
We are not currently offering exclusive one-off custom scarf designs

Our scarves are digitally printed, which enables us to produce small batches whilst keeping costs down. However with digital printing comes the risk of imperfections, such as missed printing spots, print lines etc. Due to the risk of these imperfections (especially with designs that have large areas of plain colour), we always have to order more scarves than needed, which makes exclusive custom designs very uneconomical to produce without greatly increasing our pricing

Non-exclusive designs
If what you have in mind is something that we could make available to others to purchase, and is a colour combination that we believe would sell - then we'd be happy to consider it.

If you are wanting to match something we usually ask you to send us the item/items to ensure we achieve the closest possible match. Once we receive the item/s, we colour match them in-house then produce one or more mockups of different scarf colour options and/or scarf designs for you to choose from. Once you are happy with the design we can take it to production. This whole process can take 2+ weeks, depending on how busy we are, how quickly our communications occur and how many refinements are required to the colours and/or design. 

Production takes 6-8 weeks, although can take longer as we like to combine orders together to reduce shipping costs. If you decide you would like further refinements to be made to the design these would come at an additional cost.

You can get in touch with us to discuss your custom design using the form below.

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