Our Fabrics

Our Fabrics: Silk Cotton

Our Fabrics: Silk Cotton

Jemima Wiltshire

Silk cotton is a lesser-used fabric in the scarf industry but still produces great results. The combination of cotton and silk results in a fabric that is more hardwearing and durable than plain silk,...

Our Fabrics: Silk Cotton

Jemima Wiltshire

Silk cotton is a lesser-used fabric in the scarf industry but still produces great results. The combination of cotton and silk results in a fabric that is more hardwearing and durable than plain silk,...

Silk Twill vs Silk Crepe de Chine - Which is best for me?

Silk Twill vs Silk Crepe de Chine - Which is be...

Jemima Wiltshire

Confused about whether to choose silk twill and silk Crepe de Chine? Use our table below to work out what qualities are most important to you and therefore determine which fabric...

Silk Twill vs Silk Crepe de Chine - Which is be...

Jemima Wiltshire

Confused about whether to choose silk twill and silk Crepe de Chine? Use our table below to work out what qualities are most important to you and therefore determine which fabric...

Our Fabrics: Silk Crepe de Chine

Our Fabrics: Silk Crepe de Chine

Jemima Wiltshire

Silk crepe de chine (or CDC) is less commonly used for silk scarves as it is more expensive, however it is perfect for scarf use and results in a modern sophisticated look. ...

Our Fabrics: Silk Crepe de Chine

Jemima Wiltshire

Silk crepe de chine (or CDC) is less commonly used for silk scarves as it is more expensive, however it is perfect for scarf use and results in a modern sophisticated look. ...

Our Fabrics: Silk Twill

Our Fabrics: Silk Twill

Jemima Wiltshire

Silk twill is one of the most commonly used silk scarf fabrics and provides a classic and timeless look.  Silk twill has a ribbed texture that appears as tiny raised diagonal stripes. The ribbed texture causes the...

Our Fabrics: Silk Twill

Jemima Wiltshire

Silk twill is one of the most commonly used silk scarf fabrics and provides a classic and timeless look.  Silk twill has a ribbed texture that appears as tiny raised diagonal stripes. The ribbed texture causes the...